Understanding The Fundamentals Of Cantilever Dental Bridges
Any time you are facing major dental work, such as addressing a lost tooth, it can feel a little bit overwhelming. Not only can dental anxiety overcome you, but trying to decide on the best treatment out of the several options you have may be difficult. Your dentist may recommend a cantilever bridge in some situations. Here are some of the things that you need to think about when you are considering a cantilever dental bridge to resolve your current dental problem.
Are You Filling In One Missing Tooth?
The design of a cantilever bridge makes it the most ideal solution if you are only filling in one missing tooth. Since cantilever bridges only anchor on one side, trying to use a bridge like this for more than one missing tooth can lead to a bridge that's not secure, that can rock in place, or that may be vulnerable to breakage. If you are only replacing one missing tooth, this type of bridge is a great option.
Do You Only Have One Anchor Tooth?
Like any other dental bridge, a cantilever dental bridge must secure to a tooth on one side or the other of the missing tooth. However, unlike other dental bridge styles, a cantilever bridge only secures to one single tooth. That makes this a great option if you have a missing tooth with only one anchor tooth that you can work with.
Are You Replacing A Front Or Back Tooth?
The position of the tooth you're missing is another important factor in deciding if a cantilever bridge is right for you. Since these bridges only secure to one tooth, they aren't an ideal solution for back teeth that often face a lot of pressure from chewing. The bridge may not stay as secure as you'd like in those situations.
Instead, a cantilever bridge is most often recommended to replace a tooth that's in the middle or front of your mouth. Those teeth don't face as much strain and stress with normal use, which means that the bridge won't be subjected to any undue pressure.
Most Anyone Can Get A Cantilever Bridge
Unlike some types of bridges that require certain medical standards be met, such as bridges that require surgical post placement, most anyone can be a candidate for a cantilever bridge. As long as you have a tooth on one side of the missing one to serve as an anchor, you can usually opt for a cantilever bridge to solve your missing tooth issue.
There Are Various Alloy Options
Cantilever bridges can be crafted from any of a variety of dental alloy options. Whether you want a bridge that's entirely metal or one that has porcelain fused to the metal, you will have an option. You can also pick the type of metal that you want your bridge crafted from, allowing you to get exactly what you want from your new dental appliance.
You Still Need To Brush And Care For Your Bridge
You might think that, since the bridge is artificial, you don't need to be as attentive to it as you do your natural teeth. The fact is that you still need to take care of your teeth and your bridge. One thing to keep in mind is that you need to avoid sticky foods and substances when you have a cantilever bridge.
Those types of substances can get caught beneath the bridge, leading to tooth decay, gum issues, and more. Avoiding foods like that, brushing regularly, and continuing to see your dentist for checkups will help you get the longest possible life span out of your cantilever bridge and your remaining natural teeth.
In fact, you may be able to get a decade or more out of that bridge if you're taking proper care of it.
For more information about dental bridge treatment, reach out to a dental professional.