What Can A Dentist Do About Black Triangles

Have you been told that you have black triangles in your mouth? Dentists use this term to describe the triangle of space that can develop between your teeth when some of the normal gum tissue between those teeth erodes. Black triangles are an issue for three reasons. First, they indicate that your gums are not as healthy as they could be. Second, they make it possible for food to get stuck in these areas, which could accelerate tooth decay and future gum disease.

Why Treat Sleep Apnea With Oral Appliance Therapy?

Sleep apnea is a serious condition, but it can go undiagnosed for years. Many people first realize that they suffer from this condition when they see their doctor about chronic fatigue. You may not realize that your dentist can treat your sleep apnea using a technique called oral appliance therapy. Effective treatment for sleep apnea can improve your quality of life and reduce your risk of death. Here are four reasons to choose oral appliance therapy to treat your sleep apnea.

Three Food-Loving Reasons Why Dental Implants Are Better Than Dentures

The truth about having a missing tooth (or two) is that it affects several areas of your health. Missing teeth impact your appearance, your speech, and the placement of other teeth in your mouth. So, when it is time to consider replacement options for missing teeth, dental implants and dentures are the two choices on offer. There are pros and cons for both options, but as a person who loves their food, there are three very good reasons why dental implants are the best choice for you.