Denture Maintenance: How To Prevent Denture Damage
Dentures offer a convenient way to restore your smile and enjoy your regular lifestyle even after tooth loss. However, maintaining your dentures is important. It prevents damage and helps to keep you comfortable. Here are a few maintenance tips you can use to ensure your dentures stay beautiful for years to come.
Schedule Regular Checkups
Even if you have no original teeth, you'll still want to visit your dentist. He or she will inspect your gums for signs of potential problems to promote oral health.
3 Ways To Encourage Healthy Oral Habits In Your Child
As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure that your children's teeth are kept clean and healthy. But that doesn't mean it is easy. In fact, many children are difficult when it comes to brushing their teeth and fight when it is done and don't cooperate. Here are some things that you can do to help your child have healthy oral habits.
1. Explain Why
One of the most important things you can do is teach the child why they need to brush their teeth.
Preparing For Your Dental Implant Procedure: Four Steps To Take
Getting dental implants is a great way to restore your smile and replace missing or damaged teeth. Before you head to the dentist for this procedure, there are a few things you can do in advance to help make the process go smoothly. Here are some steps to consider making before your appointment.
Schedule Personal Days
Depending on the time of day you choose for your appointment, you may need to take the day off of work.