A Guide To Dental Bonding Services

If your goal is to get the most out of your dental health, there have been a number of advancements in the oral health industry that will allow you to get there. One such advancement involves a procedure known as dental bonding. With dental bonding, an oral health professional will apply a special resin to your teeth that will help you get rid of or mask any imperfections. To learn a little bit more about dental bonding and how it can serve you, read on. [Read More]

When Are Emergency Dental Appointments Needed?

Some mouth injuries are a nuisance, but can ultimately wait until your dentist is back at work in the morning, while others require immediate attention. How do you know if your issue is a true emergency? Ask yourself these questions: Is There Pain? Pain is your body's signal that something isn't right. Many people have sensitive teeth that hurt if exposed to extreme temperatures, but the kind of pain that signals an emergency is different. [Read More]

Dental Whitening Techniques That Can Ruin Your Teeth

Some people will use a wide variety of different tactics and products to get the whitest teeth possible. While some individuals will experience some brilliant results, not everyone will have such a positive experience when it comes to extreme tooth whitening. If you want to protect your teeth and also enjoy the benefits of whitening, then a professional can help. However, if you are feeling gung-ho about at home whitening, then keep reading to learn about a few different techniques that can actually hurt your teeth: [Read More]

Teeth Whitening Options For A Pageant-Worthy Smile

If you are planning to participate in an upcoming beauty pageant, you may be looking for ways to ensure that you look your best. Since you will be smiling during much of the event, the color of your teeth can be particularly important. As a result, you may be considering teeth whitening. Teeth-whitening options can vary in effectiveness and efficiency. Some products whiten better and faster than others. Here are a few whitening options and what you can expect from them: [Read More]