Can Dental Implants Cause Sinus Infections?

If you want a dental implant, then you may have a wide variety of questions bouncing around your head. If an implant is needed along the upper and front portion of the mouth, then you may be concerned about the way the implants can affect your sinus cavities. Sinus infections may also be a concern, especially if you have allergies or another condition that makes you prone to the issue. Keep reading to learn about whether or not dental implants can cause sinus infections or not and what your dental professional will do to avoid the problem. [Read More]

Using Dentures For Your Tooth Replacement

Tooth loss is a serious problem that people will often experience as they age. Over the course of time, your teeth can gradually weaken and become more susceptible to developing problems. While it is common for older individuals to require dentures, it is common for these patients to need more information about this treatment option. Will Your Dentures Need To Be Custom Fit To Your Mouth? It is important for patients to appreciate the fact that every person's mouth will be slightly different in shape, size, and contours. [Read More]

Tips To Help You Get Your Kids On Track To A Healthy Smile

Great dental habits start from the beginning. Are you doing everything possible to help your kids establish good dental hygiene? Here, you'll find a few tips that can help keep your kids proactive when it comes to caring for their teeth. Make Dental Visits Fun Some kids are terrified of going to the dentist. If your kid gets nervous, you'll need to step up your game a bit. If you allow those nerves to build, you might find it even harder to get your kid to the dentist in the future. [Read More]

When To Leave Your Wisdom Tooth Alone

You have probably heard of the virtues of extracting wisdom teeth. Well, not everyone should extract their wisdom teeth. Here are some of the cases in which you don't have to extract the teeth. The Tooth Has Fully Erupted One of the primary reasons for extracting a wisdom tooth is impaction. Many wisdom teeth don't fully erupt; some of their parts remain trapped under the gums. An impacted tooth may be painful, prone to damage, and doesn't help you in any way. [Read More]