Three Reasons To Visit A Family Dentist

What's the difference between a family dentist and a regular dentist? A family dentist, such as Rupp and Grabowski Family Dentistry, will be able to see everyone in your family no matter what their age. A regular dentist will typically refer anyone under the age of 18 to a pediatric dentist who specializes in child dental health. Here are three reasons you should choose a family dentist over other options for your family: [Read More]

Five Things You Can Do To Improve The Effectiveness And Efficiency Of Invisalign Treatment

Undergoing orthodontic treatment by Invisalign requires an investment of both time and money. As such, you want to get as much as you possibly can out of every moment you're in treatment. There are a lot of things you can do to speed up treatment and get the results you want faster. The following are five things you should either definitely do or at least look into to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment: [Read More]

3 Ways to Prevent or Treat Dental Phobia

Dental phobias can be a big problem for kids. Kids can start to be afraid of the dentist on their own, but it can be reinforced by other people and then turn into something really serious. There are things that you can do to help your child avoid dental phobias and to help them handle going to the dentist if they do have a phobia.  Try to Control Your Dental Fear [Read More]

Sucking On Fingers, Thumbs, And Non-Orthodontic Pacifiers: How To Stop These Habits

If you are the parent of a small child, you may be concerned about the health of his or her mouth. There are many habits that a child can develop that will eventually damage their teeth and gums. Some of these habits include sucking on fingers, thumbs, or non-orthodontic pacifiers. Here are a few details about these habits and how they can be avoided: Sucking on Fingers, Thumbs, and Non-orthodontic Pacifiers [Read More]