Four Mistakes To Avoid When Recovering From A Tooth Extraction Procedure

If you want tooth extractions to be successful, you need to take care of yourself in the days and weeks after the procedures to help your mouth heal up as soon as possible.  There are a variety of different threats during the recovering period after tooth extraction, like infection risk and persistent discomfort. However, you'll recover quickly if you take care to avoid these four mistakes while you're healing:  Eating hot foods or drinking hot beverages [Read More]

2 Options Orthodontists Use To Treat Overcrowded Teeth

Braces are used to straighten and align teeth, and they are highly effective for most situations; however, there are times when additional steps are needed to completely straighten a child's teeth. If your child has teeth that seem overcrowded, he or she may need to go through one of the following steps in order for braces to straighten out the teeth. Tooth Extraction Overcrowded teeth is a common problem, and it is often a result of a small arch. [Read More]

Protect Your Future Hockey Career With Dental Implants

Hockey players are notorious for having missing teeth. While you might need to have some teeth extracted due to damage sustained during a hockey game, it's important that you take advantage of the benefits that dental implants can provide if you want to protect your future career as a hockey player. Here are three simple ways that investing in dental implants now could pay off in the future. 1. It can be difficult to properly fit a mouthguard when you have missing teeth. [Read More]

3 Ways To Encourage Your Child To Brush Properly

Getting your kids to brush their teeth properly can seem like a never-ending battle. Your child has to focus on a task for two straight minutes, and for some kids, that may seem next to impossible. Still, proper brushing is important for the health of your child's teeth. Here are a few ways to encourage your child to brush correctly: Find a toothpaste that he or she loves. Most kids do not like me intensity of adult toothpaste. [Read More]