Things You Should Know About Dental Implant Services

Modern dentistry technology allows you the option of replacing missing teeth, or teeth that are beyond repair, with dental implants. Up until recently, you had to be declared a good candidate for this type of procedure. Your teeth and gums would have to be examined during your first consultation by your dentist or dental surgeon. Bone support was mandatory. No longer is that examination necessary for everyone due to the emergence of newer technology. [Read More]

Dental Emergency? Follow These Four Steps

A dental emergency is any injury or condition that needs the immediate attention of a dentist. These emergencies can strike at any time, and you need to be prepared. Here are four steps you should take if you find yourself in need of emergency dental care. Don't go to the hospital. If you're having a dental emergency, you should call your dentist immediately. If they're unavailable because you're trying to reach them outside their normal office hours, you should try to seek alternate care. [Read More]

Understanding The Fundamentals Of Cantilever Dental Bridges

Any time you are facing major dental work, such as addressing a lost tooth, it can feel a little bit overwhelming. Not only can dental anxiety overcome you, but trying to decide on the best treatment out of the several options you have may be difficult. Your dentist may recommend a cantilever bridge in some situations. Here are some of the things that you need to think about when you are considering a cantilever dental bridge to resolve your current dental problem. [Read More]

Can Dental Implants Cause Sinus Infections?

If you want a dental implant, then you may have a wide variety of questions bouncing around your head. If an implant is needed along the upper and front portion of the mouth, then you may be concerned about the way the implants can affect your sinus cavities. Sinus infections may also be a concern, especially if you have allergies or another condition that makes you prone to the issue. Keep reading to learn about whether or not dental implants can cause sinus infections or not and what your dental professional will do to avoid the problem. [Read More]