Four Tips To Make Your Child's First Dental Visit A Positive Experience

Children should see a dentist by the time of their first birthday or when the first tooth emerges, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists. The following four tips, along with choosing an experienced dentist that has previously worked with young children, can help you prepareso that your child's first visit is a positive experience. Tip #1: Come Prepared As a new patient, you will need to fill in dental and medical history forms upon arrival. [Read More]

Must Knows Before Bone Grafting And Dental Implant Surgery

While dental implant surgery is an outpatient procedure, it is often a very involved process that takes months to complete. When the jawbone itself is not thick enough or is too soft to support a dental implant, bone grafting is needed.  Why A Bone Graft Is Necessary   Bone grafting for a dental implant is done to build up or reinforce the jaw. This is normally done by using a small piece of the patient's own bone, either from another area of the jaw itself or from another area of the body. [Read More]

How Can I Get Used To Wearing My Braces?

The installation of braces is a very common procedure, as more than 4 million people in the United States wear them every single year. If you have just gotten fitted for braces or are about to undergo the procedure, you will need to understand some tips to keep in mind when getting used to them. Wearing braces can be a challenge for those who are brand new to them, so the following guide will help you out in that regard. [Read More]

How To Survive A Root Canal Procedure

Also called endodontic therapy, root canal treatments repair and salvage severely decayed or damaged teeth. If you need one, you might worry more than necessary, since these procedures have unfortunately been linked with pain and discomfort in the past. But many patients contend the pain level is minimal and is similar to having a dental filling treatment. If your dentist tells you that need a root canal, here are some ways to get through the procedure. [Read More]