3 Ways to Prevent or Treat Dental Phobia

Dental phobias can be a big problem for kids. Kids can start to be afraid of the dentist on their own, but it can be reinforced by other people and then turn into something really serious. There are things that you can do to help your child avoid dental phobias and to help them handle going to the dentist if they do have a phobia.  Try to Control Your Dental Fear [Read More]

Sucking On Fingers, Thumbs, And Non-Orthodontic Pacifiers: How To Stop These Habits

If you are the parent of a small child, you may be concerned about the health of his or her mouth. There are many habits that a child can develop that will eventually damage their teeth and gums. Some of these habits include sucking on fingers, thumbs, or non-orthodontic pacifiers. Here are a few details about these habits and how they can be avoided: Sucking on Fingers, Thumbs, and Non-orthodontic Pacifiers [Read More]

3 Prosthodontic Treatments for an Oversized Tooth

An oversized tooth can create bite issues, shove neighboring teeth out of alignment, and cause you embarrassment. There are a few different ways that a cosmetic dentistry specialist can treat an oversized tooth using prosthodontics. Prosthodontics is a field of dentistry concerning cosmetic alterations to the natural tooth. There are a few different potential prosthodontics, but some work better for an oversized tooth than others. What are some of the best and worst prosthodontics treatments for an oversized tooth? [Read More]

3 Early Warning Signs Of Gum Disease

To have a healthy and appealing smile, you probably already know the importance of brushing your teeth and visiting a dentist regularly. Unfortunately, certain oral health conditions may develop even when following recommendations by your dentist. While shocking for most people to learn, around half of Americans have some form of periodontal disease. This condition not only affects the look of your smile, but also your ability to eat and speak. [Read More]